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  • Writer's pictureGreg Hard

End Of Week 3…

Today marks 3 weeks since I had the operation - I haven't posted much in the blog this past week because, to be honest, not a lot has happened. I now seem to be in a slightly monotonous routine of exercising, icing and pain relief.

I should point out that every few days I do notice improvements in how far I can bend my knee which is great but I am also still very much aware of the pain (not as bad as it was but painful nonetheless) which does bring home the reminder that there is still some way to go. I am also failing to sleep through the night, in fact I am unable to sleep more than a few hours without waking up due to discomfort. I have read accounts by many others who make the same complaint so I know I am not alone which is some comfort but I would really like to have a decent nights sleep.

Anyway, on the positive side I am walking well and can walk around the house without crutches and only use one crutch when going any distance. I have wandered into the village a couple of times which is about a mile round trip. It's good exercise but it does ache and I do feel absolutely knackered when I get home!! I can really see an improvement in my range of movement which is great so I need to keep that up. The one thing I am really noticing now is the lack of strength around my knee - this means pushing myself up on the bad leg is still a struggle so going up and down stairs normally is still some way off. I made the mistake of trying to take a 'normal' step up the stairs the other day - the pain shooting through my knee was excruciating! Needless to say I haven't tried that since!!! My left thigh is constantly aching which I suppose shows it's being worked but also adds to the pain levels in my left leg which basically hurts in varying degrees from top to bottom!!

I'm conscious that I sound like I'm moaning a lot (probably because I am!) but I think it's more borne from frustration rather than wallowing in self pity. I have joined various groups on Facebook which I find very helpful as there are literally hundreds of people all going through similar things at the same time sharing their experiences. Reading these help by reinforcing the fact that everything I am experiencing is perfectly normal and will improve eventually - everybody will naturally improve at differing rates but the general consensus is that the vast majority get through it and go on to lead normal, pain free lives.

So - onwards and upwards, lets see what the upcoming week holds. I don't have a physio visit booked until next week so it's down to me to crack on with the exercises. Fingers crossed I will have made even more progress by the time I see the physio again.

Challenge TV update - Bradley Walsh once presented “Wheel Of Fortune”…who knew???!!

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