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  • Writer's pictureGreg Hard

End Of Week 6

In the last post I commented on how things had improved but also mentioned that I thought I had an infection in the scar. Turns out there was an infection and I was given a course of antibiotics. The infection has caused a lot of swelling around the knee prohibiting some movement and causing increased pain.

I visited the physio earlier this week and it felt like a step back wards which was disappointing. The range of movement is still pretty good but the swelling and pain has meant that things like going up and down stairs and walking without a crutch have become a lot harder. We were both hoping that the physio visits were going to end soon but this is not the case yet.

I also made the decision to get back to work this week after 6 weeks away (Totally my decision, work haven’t put any pressure on me I just felt the need to get back into the routine) I had hoped that I would be going back relatively well recovered but this hasn’t been the case. Luckily my boss has been very understanding and we have agreed that for the first couple of weeks I would go back half days just to get back into the swing of things. Turns out this is for the best as my pain levels have been pretty high and my ability to stretch etc at work isn’t great (definitely can’t elevate and ice) - also, I have come home and fallen asleep both days so far!!

Speaking to others and reading other people’s experiences it is fair to say that the road to recovery isn’t a steady one way climb and can take many detours along the way - the thing to bear in mind is that it will get better eventually and everyone recovers at differing rates.

Not an overly positive blog this week but I am sure things will get back on track very soon. The infection and swelling are getting under control so just got to keep up with the exercises and keep getting stronger.

Onwards and upwards….

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1 Comment

Janet Lee
Janet Lee
Feb 17, 2022

Not a great start for you Greg but as you say once the infection is beaten you can get back on the road to recovery. Just like to say it is truly wonderful having you back at work, you really have been missed😊💖

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