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  • Writer's pictureGreg Hard

Happy New Year…

“3 days prior to going into hospital you will need to undertake a PCR test.”

My operation date is the 4th January and so my overly optimistic self had been hoping that the operation date would be day 3 and the PCR test would be booked in for the 2nd January… No such luck, I received the dreaded news that not only was my test date going to be New Years Day it was going to be at 9.30am!!! Now, my heavy partying days are long gone but still - 9.30 on New Years Day!!

Nevertheless, up I got at just before 8am having seen in the new year somewhat more cautiously than usual and made my way to Guildford Cathedral where the NHS had set up a screening centre.

The test centre was very quiet and, as with everything the NHS have done over the pandemic, was organised expertly and efficiently. I rolled up in my car, wound down the

window and met a friendly nurse who would take my swabs. At this point I warned her that my gag reflex was shocking and that she should expect some gagging and retching during the throat swab. I didn’t disappoint and for an added bonus I coughed uncontrollably directly at her - luckily she was wearing a full face visor and didn’t seem overly concerned. After the nasal swabs which brought tears to my eyes she bade me farewell and sent me on my way.

Even through I have lived near Guildford for the past 10 years and come to the town on a weekly basis, I had never been to the Cathedral before so I took the opportunity to take a closer look. It is an interesting structure and unusual in its brick built blockiness but still very impressive and imposing as it looms down over the surrounding area.

I also took the opportunity to watch the scene from the film ’The Omen’ where Damian is driven up to the front of Guildford Cathedral before having a demonic hissy-fit and being driven away post haste.

The rest of the day was spent being rather lazy, (other than wrestling with an inflatable hot-tub which I meant to put away ages ago), which is how New Years Day should be.

The next few days will be spent trying to keep my mind off the impending operation…

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Ian Sawyer
Ian Sawyer
Jan 06, 2022

That's a great photo!

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