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  • Writer's pictureGreg Hard

Operation eve

The day before the operation…

Up until now it’s seemed like a fairly abstract thing but it’s now beginning to get more real. Both of the kids are finding it hard to digest what is going to happen. We have discussed the procedure and looked at images on-line to help with the understanding but, at the end of the day, it is their big, strong Dad going in to hospital which must be tricky for them. Covid restrictions mean that no-one can visit for the couple of days I am meant to be in which doesn’t help And makes it harder for me too.

To keep our minds busy today we’ve taken all the Christmas decorations down and taken the tree to be recycled. Personally, I hate having Christmas stuff up after New Year’s Day and the house looks normal again, if a bit empty.

I’m not allowed to eat after this evening and have been told to ‘carb up’ which suits me just fine - risotto it is tonight. As I can’t eat tomorrow before the operation I have been given sachets of glucose powder called “Preload” to see me through. I have to consume two today and one in the morning - after that it’s nothing to drink either after 6.30am tomorrow. The glucose drink isn’t too bad but I won‘t be rushing to take it any time soon.

Got my little suitcase packed and ready for the early start tomorrow - I have to be at the hospital for 7am.

I’m feeling quite calm about it all at the moment - I’m sure I will be nervous tomorrow when it all becomes real. I‘ve never had to stay over in hospital for anything to do myself before which is good going but makes it a bit more nerve-racking for me as it‘s all a bit new.

Next time I post will probably be after the op so, I’ll see you on the other side.

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