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  • Writer's pictureGreg Hard

The Big Day

Updated: Jan 6, 2022

Spoiler alert - I’m writing this the day after as I slept rather a lot yesterday…

Operation day:

Up at 5.45am for a delicious glass of glucose syrup which was to be the last thing I could have pass my lips prior to the operation. Off at 6.30am to get to the Hospital for 7am. Driven by my lovely wife so she could wait with me prior to going in.

Got there bang on time which was step one out of the way. Step two was making sure they were still expecting met - they were…

After a huge hug with my better half I was taken through to my bed where I was told I was third on the list so I would be operated on around 11am. I thought this might give me too much time to worry and over-think things but, luckily I was kept busy being prodded, poked and checked over, after which I had a well earned nap!

To be honest, the worrying didn’t really kick in until the anaesthetist talked me through what he was going to do - there would be a local anaesthetic for the belly button downwards and sedation intravenously so that I wouldn’t be aware of what was going on. The worrying thing for me was the that local anaesthetic was to be given via an injection into the spine - whilst my rational mind knows that he and many others carry out this procedure day in day out, anything to do with the spine makes me nervous. He went to great length to explain how safe it was (not 100% but nothing ever is) and how it was safer than giving a general anaesthetic.

So, on went the gown and the disposable underwear (nice) and off I went. I’ve never had the pleasure of being pushed through a hospital whilst lying in a bed - although I’ve seen it many a time on film & TV - luckily they didn’t use the end of the bed to crash the doors open as I had been lead to believe!

First stop was my old friend the anaesthetist who talked me through his side one more time just to raise the anxiety levels that bit more! First step was an extremely cold spray to numb the skin prior to pricking a few smaller local aneaesthetic injections (like at the dentist) before the main spinal injection. To be honest, the worst part was the cold spray which really took my breath away!!

Not long after this though came the sensation I was dreading which was the feeling of numbness creeping into my legs from my torso - had to breath deeply through this bit as it was not a pleasant sensation at all being aware of a creeping paralysis. Luckily, the sedation came along relatively quickly…

…next thing I know I’m coming round in the recovery area about two and a half hours later having been totally oblivious to what had just happened - oh the joy of drugs!! After coming round I was only really aware of three things:

a) I had a very sore knee

b) I was desperate for a wee!!

C) I really craved a cup of tea

I knew that ‘b’ was going to have to wait a while due to ‘a’, and ‘c’ really should wait until ‘b’ had taken place.

Once I was back to my bed I was given various tests and such-like and given a clean bill of health. It wasn’t too long until the physio came by to see how I was doing and suggested I tried getting on my feet as they like to do I this as soon as possible. I (metaphorically) jumped at the chance as this meant I could go to the loo too. There then followed a crash course in the use of crutches and a list of exercises for me to look at but luckily not to worry too much about until the following day.

Then I got my cup of tea and it was bloody wonderful!!

And that was pretty much that for the rest of the day other than a procession of health professionals taking my vital signs, giving me pain relief and some much needed food.

The surgeon popped by to take a look and he was really pleased with how it went and how it was looking now. He also informed me that any pain and discomfort I was feeling now would be much worse day 2 and 3 before starting to relent.

I slept or napped for most of the afternoon and evening waking only to have an X-ray taken, see the healthcare assistants and to scare my family by FaceTiming them whilst looking very pale and bit zonked out but desperately trying to convince them that I was feeling fine.

Despite having had a lazy afternoon I had a pretty restful sleep and the knee didn’t keep me awake which was always a worry. I did need to sleep on my back though which meant copious snoring but as I wasn’t at home, I wasn’t going to worry too much - I think the spare room may well be in order when I get home though!

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1 Comment

Ian Sawyer
Ian Sawyer
Jan 06, 2022

Well done mate, hope the pain's not too bad and doesn't last too long!

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