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  • Writer's pictureGreg Hard

The first weekend

A couple of firsts so far this weekend…

1) My first shower since the operation - I have been washing (I’m not a heathen), but I didn’t feel up to showering whilst at hospital. So, on went the clingfilm around the knee dressing, and off I went. I decided to use the shower over the bath as, even though it might seem odd clambering over the edge, there are more things to hang on to. Getting in place went remarkably well and the feeling of the warm water washing over me was blooming glorious.

2) My first walk - Ages ago I had booked my annual eye test without taking into account my knee op. Instead of re-arranging, I used this as a reason to get up and go out for a bit of a ‘stroll’. It’s about a half a mile walk into the village which I thought seemed reasonable. The weather was pretty foul but I didn’t let this put me off. My daughter very kindly helped me get my socks and trainers on and I was good to go. I walked in (very slowly) with my wife through some nasty wet and windy weather which whipped around my lower half as I was still wearing shorts. It took us around 15 minutes which wasn’t too bad. The eye test went fine but on getting ready to come back I suddenly felt quite queasy - not sick as such, more like a light-headed, floaty feeling. Luckily my daughter was around and she drove in to pick us up. A sweet cup of tea sorted me out and I felt better. I can’t quite put my finger on why I felt like that - it could have been a combination of things, but suffice to say I wont be going on any solo expeditions for a while!! A bit of a shot across the bows reminding me that I need to take things slow and steady.

My pearls of wisdom…what I’ve learnt so far

1) Take the pain medication before you feel you really need it - don’t wait for the pain to kick in or you won‘t do your physio. Don’t go mad just enough to keep you moving and to take the edge off.

2) Sleep when you need to. Your sleep pattens will be out of sync for various reasons - make sure you rest up.

3) Drink lots of water - I have never drunk so much water in my life!!

4) Don’t stay in one position for too long. Even if it means just a slight movement in your leg position make sure you do so regularly or else you may start to seize up. If you can, get up and move around even if it’s just around the room.

5) Get a bag - I have rather natty shoulder bag that I use to carry my stuff around in when I’m on my crutches and going up and down stairs. It’s got my meds, books, iPad, phone and water bottle in it - it’s fashionable AND invaluable…you’re welcome.

First proper physio session tomorrow - I’ll let report back afterwards.

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1 Comment

Jan 15, 2022

Definitely keep on top of the drugs! Don’t be going a hero because it’s hard to get back on top of them again! Love reading your journey keep up the great work xx

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